On January 12, 1861, Dom Pedro II signed Decree 2723, which founded the Court’s Caixa Econômica. Since then, CAIXA has been walking side by side with the country, following its growth and the growth of its population. CAIXA has always been present in all the main transformations in Brazil’s history, such as changes in political regimes, and urbanization and industrialization processes, supporting and helping the country.

With the experience gained, in 1931, CAIXA started offering payroll-related loans to individuals. Three years later, by determination of the federal government, it assumed the exclusivity of pledge loans, extinguishing pawn shops operated by individuals.
On June 1, 1931, the first mortgage for the acquisition of CAIXA properties in Rio de Janeiro was signed.

In 1986, CAIXA absorbed the National Housing Bank (BNH) and became the largest Brazilian home financing agent and an important urban development lender, especially to basic sanitation. In the same year, with the dissolution of BNH, CAIXA became the main agent of the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE), administrator of FGTS and other funds of the Housing Finance System (SFH).

Four years later, in 1990, it implemented initiatives to centralize all the accounts linked to FGTS, which, at the time, were managed by more than 70 banking institutions.

From the beginning, CAIXA has been aligned with the needs of the population.

Throughout its history, CAIXA has established close relationships with the population by meeting their immediate needs, such as savings, loans, FGTS, PIS, unemployment insurance, student loans, housing finance and transfer of social benefits.

By means of Federal Lotteries, of which it has held the monopoly since 1961, CAIXA also gave Brazilians the chance to dream of a better life.

The year of 1969 was one of the milestones in CAIXA’s history. It was established as a state-owned company by means of Decree-Law 759/1969, which gave it several obligations and duties, with a focus on services of social nature, promotion of citizenship and development of the country.

Since its creation, CAIXA has not stopped growing, developing, diversifying and expanding its areas of operation. Proof of that are the Bylaws, which are renewed whenever it is necessary to adapt to the reality of Brazilians. The last update was on August 4, 2021. In addition to providing services to account holders, workers, beneficiaries of social programs and gamblers, CAIXA believes in and supports artistic-cultural, educational and sports initiatives throughout Brazil.

CAIXA currently has a consolidated position in the market as a large, solid and modern bank. As the main agent of the federal government’s public policies, it is present throughout the country, without losing its main purpose: to believe in people.